Mission Support Opportunities
We are affiliated with and support the Philadelphia Baptist Association in their outreach to local congregations.
We are affiliated with and support the American Baptist Churches (ABCUSA), comprised of 5,500 congregations which share with more than 42 million Baptists around the world a tradition begun in the early 17th century of evangelism and missionary work.
Offerings throughout the year support World Mission, Church World Service, One Great Hour of Sharing, and the America for Christ appeals. Locally, we also support Save the Children.
Please contact us for more opportunities to volunteer and give.
Along with deliveries of food, each school year we provide loaded backpacks to the children and youth served by Rev. Bunker’s Race Track Chaplaincy. We also gather items for and prepare “Chemo Kits for Kids” in hospitals undergoing therapies for cancer. Each month, as part of our celebration of Communion, we provide bread for the Great Valley Food Cupboard, housed in our Scott Building.
Our Mission activities and the Great Valley Food Cupboard accept gifts through the Donate Now button on the Home Page and below.
Philadelphia Race Track Chaplaincy
Chaplain Rick Bunker has created an extraordinary community of faith, The Philadelphia Race Track Chaplaincy.
Great Valley Food Cupboard
The Great Valley Food Cupboard, located in our Scott Building, provides food to local families needing an extra supply each month.
Chemo Care Kits for Kids
Our members build Chemo Care Kits for Kids each year that go to children undergoing treatment at CHOP and DuPont hospitals.
Your generosity keeps us impacting the community positively now and for years to come.
Doing All We Can To Help Our Community