Christmas Sunday, December 22, we will have our regular schedule: 9:00am: Zoom service10:30am: In-Person Worship…

From August 1 through August 4, four evenings from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, we will be hosting a series about Albert Schweitzer, theologian, physician, organist, philosopher and Nobel Peace Prize winner. We will begin each evening with a light supper and follow that with a brief presentation and discussion.
Monday, August 1: His Youth
Tuesday, August 2: His Midlife
Wednesday, August 3: His Later Life
Thursday, August 4: His Legacy
Please plan to join us in person in the Scott Education Building or on Zoom at a link to be sent that week. For details on this program, call (610) 688-5445.
“By practicing reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive.”
–Albert Schweitzer