Join us for a Family Adventure!
Bring a friend! What is the meaning of "Shazzam?" Sh - for Sharing a story as a family. Zza - for enjoying piZza and M - for Mission activity to help others. This month we will be bringing the joy…
Bring a friend! What is the meaning of "Shazzam?" Sh - for Sharing a story as a family. Zza - for enjoying piZza and M - for Mission activity to help others. This month we will be bringing the joy…
On Sunday, March 12, join us for a tour entitled "Depictions of the Crucifixion." We will visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art with Dr. Gary Kerschner, an art historian and retired art teacher from Conestoga High School. Following worship, we…
The Bible is often difficult to understand. As I write this, I reflect on the reading from Isaiah where God was promising that “the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of…
Join us in February for Shazzam! A fun family activity, a service project, and pizza. Saturday, February 18, 2023, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the upstairs of the Scott Education Building. Our mission will be to feed and create homes for…
One Lump or Two, Sweetheart? Please join us after worship on Sunday, February 18, for a Valentine Tea and a presentation by Carol Claypoole, our archivist, about some of the treasures that are stored in the Rachel Cleaver Room of…
The congregation voted UNANIMOUSLY to amend the by-laws of the church to be explicit in our welcome to all people, notably LGBTQ+ individuals, as full members. This was accomplished at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, January 29,…
Join us for Shazzam! A fun family activity, a service project and pizza. Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 5:00-6:30p.m. in the upstairs of the Scott Education Building. We will be making Valentines for people who don't get out very often…
Our Christmas Eve service included a Nativity Program by the children and youth, a poem with a message, and candlelight singing of Silent Night. If you wish, start the video at the 8:30 mark in order to skip the extended…
Zoom in and join us! On Christmas morning, Sunday, 12/25/2022, we will have our virtual service on Zoom at 9:00 am as usual. Join us from the comfort of your home or wherever Christmas morning finds you. The link to join us…
Please join us on Christmas Eve as the children and youth re-enact the Nativity Story. Time: 7:00 pm Announced by an Angel and led by a Star, the Shepherd, and the Magi will visit the Holy Family, surrounded by the…