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Sunday Schedule: Live online service at 9:00 am (via Zoom), in-person service at 10:30 am

Mission Statement

Supported by historic Baptist principles such as: the integrity of each believer, the freedom of conscience, the autonomy of the local church; and the Scriptures, particularly the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth as revealed in the New Testament, The Baptist Church in the Great Valley shall have as its mission:

To provide an open expression of Christian worship for all sincere persons of every age, race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, cultural background, and socio-economic status without regard to religious backgrounds or beliefs; to assist persons in the development of a Christian lifestyle consistent with our historic traditions; to maintain a program of religious education based upon the teachings of the Scriptures; to encourage our membership to join together in the spreading of the gospel to all nations, beginning with our own community; to develop a sense of community into which all persons will be welcome, and to offer opportunities in Christian Service to all of our members.

Photo of the Baptist Church in the Great Valley in winter

Our Pastor

Reverend David Cushman will become BCGV’s Interim Pastor on July 1, 2023.

Crosshatch illustration of church with tree by Carmen Camarota

Our History

A rendering of our historic Meeting House — built 1805 and still standing proudly today.

Music Director Charlie Confer rehearses with choir member Cheri Christakis

Our Music

Music Director Charlie Confer directs the choir and we have a bell choir.

BCGV members throwing confetti
BCGV members throwing confetti

We celebrate Pastor John's 10th anniversary as our pastor in 2019, with a bit of confetti!

Sign on the front of the Baptist Church in the Great Valley
BCGV children singing at Christmas
Services at the Baptist Church in the Great Valley
Pastor Loring in the bell tower of the Baptist Church in the Great Valley
Children eating at the Baptist Church in the Great Valley
BCGV members during communion service
BCGV members outside the church
Children on an Easter egg hunt in the BCGV cemetery
BCGV members outside the church
Pastor Loring and members of the Baptist Church in the Great Valley
BCGV members outside the church
BCGV members outside the church
BCGV members sitting at a table
BCGV council

What We Believe

As Christians, we believe that God loves all people and desires to forgive our mistakes of the past and to guide us into a more positive, productive, and purposeful life. We believe that Jesus accurately reflected God’s will and God’s truth, and we strive to follow His example. We believe that the church community offers opportunities to better understand God’s desires, to build supportive friendships, and to share our talents, skills and faith with a hurting world.

We are a “Welcoming and Affirming” Church.

Many churches offer a broad “welcome” to all, which may not be enough. That’s because many times, individuals are welcomed into a church, but then they are expected to change to conform to the church’s beliefs. This often happens to members of the LGBTQ+ community, as many are “welcomed” into churches but then expected to change if they want to fit in, or they find that their opportunities for participation are limited.

That’s not what happens at BCGV. We are welcoming and affirming of all people, of every race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, cultural background, and socio-economic status. We not only welcome you, but we affirm you as being created in the image of God and as being a fully participating, welcome member at BCGV.

Our congregation is a member of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists.

Who Runs a Baptist Church?

The short answer: Everyone and no one. There are no bishops, no cardinals, no ecclesiastical oversight. The Congregation rules.

Since Roger Williams established the first Baptist Church in America in 1638, Baptists have been committed to religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Williams’ “wall of separation” concept in Rhode Island was so threatening to its New England neighbors that they spent the next 100 years trying to snuff out this “lively experiment” in governance. As a consequence, “Baptist roots date back four centuries to people seeking the opportunity to worship God as individual members of freely organized and freely functioning local churches. Baptists have always maintained the need for autonomous congregations, responsible for articulating their own doctrine, style of worship and mission,” according to the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA). The Baptist Church in the Great Valley is a member of the ABCUSA, the Philadelphia Baptist Association, and shares in the fellowship of Christians around the world by associating with the National and World Councils of Churches.

The Baptist Church in the Great Valley has adopted By-Laws providing that the congregation elect, at its Annual Meeting on the fourth Sunday of January each year, the officers and board members who will be responsible for administering the church’s affairs in the coming year. The By-Laws also provide that the Congregation shall call a minister of its choosing, who shall serve until that office becomes vacant. Every member is entitled to speak and vote at any Congregational meeting.

Click here to view a copy of our By-Laws.

Our Affiliations Logo - red, white, abd gray sans-serif type on gray background with stars and red border on bottom
American Baptist Church Logo - Black sans-serif type around teal globe with cross icon
Philadelphia Baptist Church Logo - Purple serif type with globe and cross icon to left
Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists Logo - blue cross with rainbow wings and purple circles behind
Gay Church Logo - Lower-case serif type in rainbow and white with cross in upper left

Our Community

Kids dunking for apples at the church
Logan with BCGV members
Pastor Loring having a meal with BCGV members
BCGV members having a meal and fellowship
Members having cake at the church
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