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Sunday Schedule: Live online service at 9:00 am (via Zoom), in-person service at 10:30 am

The Baptist Church in the Great Valley

Sharing Our Open Tradition of Christian Faith

We are a Welcoming and Affirming Church.

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Submit a Prayer Request

We believe in the power of prayer; let us pray with you. Submit a prayer request or request our prayer list here.

People attending a wedding at the Baptist Church in the Great Valley

Sunday Services

Join us in the meeting house at 10:30 am for in-person worship. Join us at 9:00 am for an interactive online service (via Zoom), including a brief message, sharing of concerns, prayer, and some beautiful music. You are always welcome to join with or without video. On the first Sunday of the month, we observe Communion with elements that you provide.

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About The Baptist Church in the Great Valley

Founded by sixteen Welsh Baptists on April 22, 1711, we are proud of our more than 300 years of continuous Christian service in this community. We worship and study on ground rich in American history. While we strive to revere and learn from the past, we endeavor to have a creative program that meets the needs of the present. The Baptist Church in the Great Valley is a great place to meet new friends, to discuss ideas and concerns and to find spiritual renewal and strength to face the demands of our modern world. We seek to be a warm, outgoing congregation, concerned about people and their lives. Believing deeply in the Baptist tradition of individual freedom, we have open membership and invite anyone to join our fellowship through a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, a letter of transfer from another Christian church, or believer’s baptism.

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